I’ve been finding it useful to query Request objects for various reasons, mostly to get pending or historical changes out of them. This post contains a few script snippets and examples. Note I have developed and used these on FIM 2010 R2 only.
Get Requested Value
This function takes a Request object and an Attribute name and returns the requested value for the attribute. If there are multiple new values in the one Request they are returned as a semi-colon separated string.
Function RequestedValue { PARAM($ReqObj, $Attribute) END { $Changes = ($ReqObj.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | where {$_.AttributeName -eq 'RequestParameter'}).Values $ReturnVal = "" $Xpath = "/RequestParameter[PropertyName='" + $Attribute + "' and Operation='Create']/Value" foreach ($change in $Changes) { $value = (Select-Xml -content $change -Xpath $Xpath).Node."#text" if ($value) { if ($ReturnVal -eq ""){$ReturnVal = $value} else {$ReturnVal = $ReturnVal + ";" + $value} } } Return $ReturnVal } }
Retrieving Request Objects
You’re going to want a pretty precise filter with Export-FIMConfig as there will be lots of Request objects in your Portal. Also make sure you use the OnlyBaseResources switch so you don’t get all the referenced objects as well.
Some examples:
All Requests against a particular Target
All Requests against a particular Target with status of ‘Authorizing’
/Request[Target='5efd9c95-05f1-49a4-9c57-38788c7259db' and RequestStatus='Authorizing']
All Requests from a particular Requestor in the last 10 days
/Request[Creator='5efd9c95-05f1-49a4-9c57-38788c7259db' and CreatedTime >= op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime(fn:current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('P10D'))]
All Requests from a particular Requestor against a particular object type
/Request[Creator='5efd9c95-05f1-49a4-9c57-38788c7259db' and TargetObjectType='WorkflowDefinition']
All Requests that involve a particular MPR
Selecting Requests based on the Attribute being changed
Unfortunately you can’t query inside the Request details as part of the XPath filter, so if you’re after all requests that update a particular attribute you’re going to have to make your XPath broad enough to catch them all (while not so broad you kill your server trying to execute the request), and then add an extra for loop.
In this example I want to get all the changes to EmployeeEndDate from the Requests I’ve retrieved.
$requests = export-fimconfig -customconfig $filter -onlybaseresources $AttributeName = 'EmployeeEndDate' foreach ($request in $requests) { $ReqValue = RequestedValue -ReqObj $request -Attribute $AttributeName if ($ReqValue) { $CreatedTime = ($request.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | where {$_.AttributeName -eq 'CreatedTime'}).Value $Target = ($request.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | where {$_.AttributeName -eq 'Target'}).Value $Creator = ($request.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | where {$_.AttributeName -eq 'Creator'}).Value $Status = ($request.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | where {$_.AttributeName -eq 'RequestStatus'}).Value # Get the Creator Object so we can show its DisplayName instead of the ResourceID $filter = "/Person[ObjectID='" + $Creator.Replace("urn:uuid:","") + "']" $TargetObj = export-fimconfig -customconfig $filter -onlybaseresources $CreatorName = ($TargetObj.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | where {$_.AttributeName -eq 'DisplayName'}).Value # Get the Target Object so we can show its DisplayName instead of the ResourceID $filter = "/Person[ObjectID='" + $Target.Replace("urn:uuid:","") + "']" $TargetObj = export-fimconfig -customconfig $filter -onlybaseresources $TargetName = ($TargetObj.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | where {$_.AttributeName -eq 'DisplayName'}).Value write-host "Request" $request.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectIdentifier write-host "`t Requestor:" $CreatorName write-host "`t Request Time:" $CreatedTime write-host "`t Target:" $TargetName write-host "`t Status:" $Status write-host "`t Attribute:" $AttributeName write-host "`t Value:" $ReqValue write-host "`n" } }
Should also consider using Get-FimRequestParameter from the FIM PowerShell Module:
Export-FIMConfig -only -CustomConfig (“/Request[TargetObjectType = ‘Person’]”) |
Convert-FimExportToPSObject |
Value PropertyName Operation
—– ———— ———
HoofHearted AccountName Create
HoofHearted DisplayName Create
Hoof FirstName Create
Hearted LastName Create
Person ObjectType Create
4ba58a6e-5953-4c03-af83-7dbfb94691d4 ObjectID Create
7fb2b853-24f0-4498-9534-4e10589723c4 Creator Create
I just started a similar use case here, for which this will be very helpful. Your example code returns the “requested” value an attribute will be changed to. My use case requires this and the value that was previously set. Any suggestions to accommodate?