FIM Event Broker – why wouldn’t you buy it?

I love FIM Event Broker, and that’s not just because I work for the company that wrote it. No, it’s because it’s such an incredibly usable, powerful and downright quality product designed to make FIM scheduling and event-driven processing a simple reality, and I find I just can’t do without it any more. It’s kind…

FIM Documentation Scripts

Another great User Group session this morning, all about automated documentation for FIM Portal policy. The links to watch the recording and/or download the scripts are on this page here:

Duplicate a Synchronization Rule

A long time ago I shared a script that duplicates a FIM Portal object. At the time a couple of people asked if it would duplicate a Sync Rule, which it didn’t. After having avoided Sync Rules as long as possible I’m now working on a site where they were already implemented and I’m extending…

Transitional TransitionIn Sets

I’ve been struggling lately with poor SQL performance in a Test environment and I’m pretty sure that has been causing an intermittent problem with objects not transitioning in to Sets and Groups straight away. They all get sorted out when the FIMTemporalEvents job runs overnight – but that’s not very comforting to the testers who…

Add a filter to all Group criteria

Some FIM really REALLY annoys me, mostly when I come up against odd and unexpected limitations, but then I write a quick little PowerShell script to fix something or other and remember that this is really one of the best differentiators of the product. This quick fix came about because I realised that the group…