This old blog has been a bit neglected of late while I work flat-out on a complex FIM project, and devote any bits of free time to preparing for this year’s TechEds in Australia and New Zealand. Now it’s finally the day when I head off to the Gold Coast for the first instalment, with Auckland next week.
I’ve got two sessions this year:
Working with FIM Custom Workflows
The aim of this session is to help people getting started with custom workflows. It will be demo-heavy with two main parts:
- Using the PowerShell activity with script-based Workflows, and
- Using the ResourceLoggingActivity from the Walkthrough as a basis for writing your next coded activity.
The Identity Jigsaw Puzzle
This one has been a lot of fun to research and write. I started from a point of wanting to explain how to build up the identity layer of a service delivery solution by looking at different component parts, like what directories are involved, how will users logon, what does the application support. And with all the great new stuff announced in the past couple of months I’ve been able to include lots of cool things like:
- New features of ADFS in Windows Server 2012 R2
- Device Join in 2012 R2
- Azure Application Panel
- Azure Multi-factor Authentication Service
and lots more! The challenge now is to get it all in the hour with so many interesting things to talk about!
The sessions will be available on Channel9 at some point in the next few months.