
# mbox_perms.ps1
# Written by Carol Wapshere, September 2008
# Use to create assign Full Mailbox Access to another user.
# Instructions:
#   1. Modify the mbox_perms.csv file to include information about the mailbox and user.
#      The file must have a header row and must include the following fields:
#            dn,uid
#      where
#            dn is the full DN of the account associated with the mailbox
#            uid is the username in the format BBHFGG\sAMAccountName
#   2. Open the Exchange Management Shell
#   3. CD to C:\scripts and run mbox_perms.ps1.
cat mbox_perms.csv > unicode.csv # make utf8
import-csv unicode.csv | foreach {
write-host $_.dn
write-host $_.uid
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $_.dn -User $_.uid -AccessRights 'FullAccess'