Archive the export/import.xml file, and modify so it works with the stylesheet.
The log.xsl stylesheet should be copied into the root of the MaData folder.
' This script copies the MIIS export and import logs to datestamped versions ' and modifies them to work with a stylesheet called ../log.xsl. ' ' The logs should be called 'import.xml' or 'export.xml' ' Enter the MA name and just 'import' or 'export' when calling the script. 'Â Â Usage: cscript archivelog.vbs MaName import|export ' ' Written by Carol Wapshere
Option Explicit
Const XML_STYLESHEET = "..\log.xsl" Const MIIS_FOLDER = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Identity Integration Server" Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Const Unicode = -1
Dim objFS, MaName, LogName
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 2 Then  Usage End If
MaName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) LogName = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
ArchiveLog MaName, LogName
Sub ArchiveLog(MA, Profile)
 Dim objLogFile, objArchiveFile  Dim strLogName, strArchiveName, logTime, dateStamp, strLine
 strLogName = MIIS_FOLDER & "\MaData\" & MA & "\" & Profile & ".xml"  If objFS.FileExists(strLogName) Then    logTime = Now()    dateStamp = DatePart("yyyy", logTime) & TwoChars("m", logTime) &_                                 TwoChars("d", logTime) & TwoChars("h", logTime) &_                                 TwoChars("n", logTime) & TwoChars("s", logTime)    strArchiveName = MIIS_FOLDER & "\MaData\" & MA & "\" & Profile & dateStamp & ".xml"    set objLogFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strLogName, ForReading, false, Unicode)    set objArchiveFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strArchiveName, ForWriting, true, Unicode)    objLogFile.ReadLine()    objArchiveFile.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-16""?>")    objArchiveFile.WriteLine("<?xml-stylesheet type=""text/xsl"" href="" mce_href=""" & XML_STYLESHEET & """?>")    objArchiveFile.WriteLine("<top>")    objArchiveFile.WriteLine("<xmlfile-time>")    objArchiveFile.WriteLine(logTime)    objArchiveFile.WriteLine("</xmlfile-time>")    objLogFile.ReadLine() 'skip mmsml    objLogFile.ReadLine() 'skip directory-entries    strLine = objLogFile.ReadLine()    Do Until InStr(strLine, "</directory-entries>") > 0       objArchiveFile.WriteLine(strLine)       strLine = objLogFile.ReadLine()      Loop    objArchiveFile.WriteLine("</top>")    objLogFile.Close()    objArchiveFile.Close()  End If End Sub
Function TwoChars(dtvar, time) Â Dim i
 i = DatePart(dtvar, time)  If i < 10 Then   TwoChars = "0" & CStr(i)  Else   TwoChars = CStr(i)  End If End Function
Sub Usage  Wscript.echo "Usage: cscript archivelog.vbs MaName import|export"  Wscript.Quit End Sub