
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Workflow.ComponentModel
Imports Microsoft.IdentityManagement.WebUI.Controls
Imports Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Workflow.Activities
Imports FIM.CustomWorkflowsActivityLibrary

Public Class CustomUpdateUI

    Inherits ActivitySettingsPart

    Public Overrides Function GenerateActivityOnWorkflow(ByVal workflow As SequentialWorkflow) As Activity
        If Not Me.ValidateInputs() Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        Dim CustomUpdate As New CustomUpdate()
        CustomUpdate.Attribute = Me.GetText("txtAttribute")
        CustomUpdate.Value = Me.GetText("txtValue")
        CustomUpdate.AuthZAfterAction = Me.GetIsChecked("bAuthZAfterAction")
        Return CustomUpdate
    End Function

    ''' Called when editing the workflow activity settings.

    Public Overrides Sub LoadActivitySettings(ByVal activity As Activity)
        Dim CustomUpdate As CustomUpdate = TryCast(activity, CustomUpdate)
        If CustomUpdate IsNot Nothing Then
            Me.SetText("txtAttribute", CustomUpdate.Attribute)
            Me.SetText("txtValue", CustomUpdate.Value)
            Me.SetIsChecked("bAuthZAfterAction", CustomUpdate.AuthZAfterAction)
        End If
    End Sub

    ''' Saves the activity settings.

    Public Overrides Function PersistSettings() As ActivitySettingsPartData
        Dim data As New ActivitySettingsPartData()
        data("Attribute") = Me.GetText("txtAttribute")
        data("Value") = Me.GetText("txtValue")
        data("AuthZAfterAction") = Me.GetIsChecked("bAuthZAfterAction")
        Return data
    End Function

    '''  Restores the activity settings in the UI

    Public Overrides Sub RestoreSettings(ByVal data As ActivitySettingsPartData)
        If data IsNot Nothing Then
            Me.SetText("txtAttribute", DirectCast(data("Attribute"), String))
            Me.SetText("txtValue", DirectCast(data("Value"), String))
            Me.SetIsChecked("bAuthZAfterAction", DirectCast(data("AuthZAfterAction"), Boolean))
        End If
    End Sub

    '''  Switches the activity between read only and read/write mode

    Public Overrides Sub SwitchMode(ByVal mode As ActivitySettingsPartMode)
        Dim [readOnly] As Boolean = (mode = ActivitySettingsPartMode.View)
        Me.SetTextBoxReadOnlyOption("txtAttribute", [readOnly])
        Me.SetTextBoxReadOnlyOption("txtValue", [readOnly])
        Me.SetCheckBoxReadOnlyOption("bAuthZAfterAction", [readOnly])
    End Sub

    '''  Returns the activity naMe.

    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Title() As String
            Return "Custom Update"
        End Get
    End Property

    '''  In general, this method should be used to validate information entered
    '''  by the user when the activity is added to a workflow in the Workflow
    '''  Designer.
    '''  We could add code to verify that the log file path already exists on
    '''  the server that is hosting the FIM Portal and check that the activity
    '''  has permission to write to that location. However, the code
    '''  would only check if the log file path exists when the
    '''  activity is added to a workflow in the workflow designer. This class
    '''  will not be used when the activity is actually run.
    '''  For this activity we will just return true.

    Public Overrides Function ValidateInputs() As Boolean
        Return True
    End Function

    '''  Creates a Table that contains the controls used by the activity UI
    '''  in the Workflow Designer of the FIM portal. Adds that Table to the
    '''  collection of Controls that defines each activity that can be selected
    '''  in the Workflow Designer of the FIM Portal. Calls the base class of
    '''  ActivitySettingsPart to render the controls in the UI.

    Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
        Dim controlLayoutTable As Table
        controlLayoutTable = New Table()

        'Width is set to 100% of the control size
        controlLayoutTable.Width = Unit.Percentage(100.0)
        controlLayoutTable.BorderWidth = 0
        controlLayoutTable.CellPadding = 2
        'Add a TableRow for each textbox in the UI
        Dim loggingOptions As String() = {"Normal", "Verbose"}
        controlLayoutTable.Rows.Add(Me.AddTableRowTextBox("Target Attribute:", "txtAttribute", 400, 100, False, "The target attribute.", False))
        controlLayoutTable.Rows.Add(Me.AddTableRowTextBox("New Value:", "txtValue", 400, 100, False, "The new value of the attribute.", False))
        controlLayoutTable.Rows.Add(Me.AddTableRowCheckBox("Allow Authorization:", "bAuthZAfterAction", False))

    End Sub

#Region "WebUI Functions"
#Region "SubHeading"
    Private Function AddSubHeading(ByVal labelText As [String]) As TableHeaderRow
        Dim hrow As New TableHeaderRow()
        Dim labelCell As New TableCell()
        Dim oLabel As New Label()
        oLabel.Text = labelText
        oLabel.CssClass = MyBase.LabelCssClass
        oLabel.Font.Bold = True

        Return hrow
    End Function
#End Region
#Region "TextBox"
    'Create a TableRow that contains a label and a textbox.
    Private Function AddTableRowTextBox(ByVal labelText As [String], ByVal controlID As [String], ByVal width As Integer, _
                                              ByVal maxLength As Integer, ByVal multiLine As [Boolean], ByVal defaultValue As [String], _
                                              Optional ByVal hideText As Boolean = False) As TableRow
        Dim row As New TableRow()
        Dim labelCell As New TableCell()
        Dim controlCell As New TableCell()
        Dim oLabel As New Label()
        Dim oText As New TextBox()

        oLabel.Text = labelText
        oLabel.CssClass = MyBase.LabelCssClass
        oText.ID = controlID
        oText.CssClass = MyBase.TextBoxCssClass
        oText.Text = defaultValue
        oText.MaxLength = maxLength
        oText.Width = width
        If multiLine Then
            oText.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
            oText.Rows = System.Math.Min(6, (maxLength + 60) \ 60)
            oText.Wrap = True
        End If
        If hideText Then
            oText.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password
        End If

        Return row
    End Function

    Private Function GetText(ByVal textBoxID As String) As String
        Dim textBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(textBoxID), TextBox)
        Return If(textBox.Text, [String].Empty)
    End Function

    Private Sub SetText(ByVal textBoxID As String, ByVal text As String, Optional ByVal hideText As Boolean = False)
        Dim textBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(textBoxID), TextBox)
        If hideText Then textBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password
        If textBox IsNot Nothing Then
            textBox.Text = text
            textBox.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetTextBoxReadOnlyOption(ByVal textBoxID As String, ByVal [readOnly] As Boolean)
        Dim textBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(textBoxID), TextBox)
        textBox.[ReadOnly] = [readOnly]
    End Sub
#End Region
#Region "CheckBox"
    Private Function AddTableRowCheckBox(ByVal labelText As [String], ByVal controlID As [String], _
                                         ByVal defaultValue As [Boolean]) As TableRow
        Dim row As New TableRow()
        Dim labelCell As New TableCell()
        Dim controlCell As New TableCell()
        Dim label As New Label()
        Dim checkbox As New CheckBox()

        label.Text = labelText
        label.CssClass = MyBase.LabelCssClass

        checkbox.ID = controlID
        checkbox.Checked = defaultValue

        Return row
    End Function

    Private Function GetIsChecked(ByVal checkBoxID As String) As Boolean
        Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(checkBoxID), CheckBox)
        Return checkBox.Checked
    End Function

    Private Sub SetIsChecked(ByVal checkBoxID As String, ByVal isChecked As Boolean)
        Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(checkBoxID), CheckBox)
        If checkBox IsNot Nothing Then
            checkBox.Checked = isChecked
            checkBox.Checked = True
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetCheckBoxReadOnlyOption(ByVal textBoxID As String, ByVal [readOnly] As Boolean)
        Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(textBoxID), CheckBox)
        checkBox.Enabled = Not [readOnly]
    End Sub

#End Region
#Region "Radio"
    Private Function AddTableRowRadioList(ByVal labelText As [String], ByVal controlID As [String], _
                                          ByVal radioOptions As String(), _
                                          ByVal defaultValue As [String]) As TableRow
        Dim row As New TableRow()
        Dim labelCell As New TableCell()
        Dim controlCell As New TableCell()
        Dim label As New Label()
        Dim radioList As New RadioButtonList()
        Dim item As String

        label.Text = labelText
        label.CssClass = MyBase.LabelCssClass

        radioList.ID = controlID
        For Each item In radioOptions
            radioList.Items.Add(New ListItem(item, item))
        radioList.SelectedValue = defaultValue
        radioList.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal
        Return row
    End Function

    Private Function GetRadioSelection(ByVal radioListID As String) As String
        Dim radioList As RadioButtonList = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(radioListID), RadioButtonList)
        Return radioList.SelectedValue
    End Function

    Private Sub SetRadioSelection(ByVal radioListID As String, ByVal radioSelection As String)
        Dim radioList As RadioButtonList = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(radioListID), RadioButtonList)
        If radioList IsNot Nothing Then
            radioList.SelectedValue = radioSelection
            radioList.SelectedValue = radioList.Items.Item(0).Text
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub SetRadioListReadOnlyOption(ByVal radioListID As String, ByVal [readOnly] As Boolean)
        Dim radioList As RadioButtonList = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(radioListID), RadioButtonList)
        radioList.Enabled = Not [readOnly]
    End Sub

#End Region
#End Region

End Class

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