I needed to set up a test AD with realistic looking test users. This script by Alex Tcherniakhovski was the type of thing I wanted as it starts with lists of OUs, first names and last names and then creates accounts across all OUs listed, and using a random selection of names. However Alex’s script…
Category: powershell
Don’t use the FIM configuration migration scripts between versions
I’ve just been installing FIM R2 RC into my lab. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the portal to upgrade from R2 beta to R2 RC (and to be fair the doco doesn’t say you should be able to) so had the bright idea of using the migration scripts to do a config comparison between my beta…
More fun with powershell and XML – getting flow rule source attributes from a MA config file
Today I was trying to find a list of all attributes synchronized to Office365 by DirSync. I couldn’t find a published list so I figured I’d just get it from the MA, using powershell to extract the list of source attributes. The list of AD user attributes synchronized by DirSync is at the bottom of this…
Using powershell to parse a csexport file
From time to time it’s necessary to access detailed data about objects in the connector space of a FIM Sync MA. One way to do this is with the csexport command line tool (found in the Bin folder) but the XML it produces isn’t particularly pretty and it doesn’t open nicely in Excel. Luckily powershell…
A script to create Sets and MPRs from Templates
Here’s a new script thet I’m pretty pleased with myself about! To make the most of the delegation flexibility in the FIM Portal, and to target your workflows correctly, you can find yourself creating a lot of Sets and MPRs. A lot. You also might find that many of them are very similar, with only…
Using powershell to update FIM Portal objects from a CSV
I’ve just posted this script to the FIM Forum Scriptbox. It helped me do a bulk update of attributes in the FIM Portal that, for various reasons, I didn’t want to export through the Sync Service. I tried to make the script as flexible as possible, so it reads the attribute names from the header row…
A simple powershell script to copy tables to another database
I’ve finally started using SQL 2008 Reporting Services in earnest to provide access to all that useful data in the FIM Metaverse. Like a good girl I’m replicating the tables to another database, instead of pointing straight at the active FIMSynchronizationService database. Here’s a simple little script that I’ve tacked on to the end of…
Modifying the FIM Portal Schema from a CSV
I recently had a lot of attributes to add to the FIM Portal. In an effort to meet a demonstration deadline I broke the normal rules of play and added them simultaneously to the Dev and Prod Portals. I still don’t understand why, but the next day when I came back both portals were broken. I…
Provisioning Exch 2010 when you’ve stil got Exch 2007
At one of my customers we’ve started provisioning all new users directly to Exchange 2010, while the old users are being progressively migrated from Exchange 2007. I modified the provisioning code for Exchange 2010 (basically just adding the msExchHomeServerName attribute as explained in this doc) and new users and mailboxes were created just fine. What…
Three Different Ways to Create a BPOS Management Agent
This year I have been working on a large BPOS project, with 17000 mailboxes being migrated from a variety of source mail systems. As is currently obligatory for such an installation, we use DirSync to synchronise users, groups and contacts from a source AD to BPOS. So while I don’t need my own BPOS MA…