I am in the process of re-writing my documentation scripts, which are somewhat different to the MS MIM Config Documenter, in that mine are designed to run on a workstation, and produce documents in Word format. Where they are much the same however, is long lists of configuration objects by object type, listing their attributes…
Category: MIM 2016 SP1
Pending Exports reporting script
I’ve just posted an updated version of my PendingExports.ps1 script here. The script parses the pending exports XML file produced by csexport.exe and produces single- and multi-value CSV files that you can import into Excel (split on the semi-colon). I’ve been tinkering with this script for years. This one now includes all current attribute values…
Portrait of a MIM project
I recently deployed a MIM 2016 solution into Production that took about 10 months to build, test and deploy. I decided to take a look at the percentage of overall time spent on broad work categories in the whole project, and that’s what this post is about. First I had to get the data on…
Unable to get preview XML from server
Just had an odd issue with a small number of synchronised objects in a MIM 2016 Dev environment. The connector space objects in the HR MA had an “unexpected-error” reported in the Sync Service. When I try to preview sync one of the objects I get the following error: Unable to get preview XML from…
Error 0x8023060c when trying to delete a MA
I was trying to delete a CSV MA from a MIM sync service. The connector space was empty but all I got was the error “Unable to delete the management agent” and the code 0x8023060c. Nothing in the event logs at all. I was convinced it was something to do with the database and rolled…
Link to the SSPR Unlock page from the Edit User RCDC
The “Unlock User” page in the FIM/MIM Portal is entirely seperate from the main User management page – which is not especially user-friendly. This post shows a way you can add a personalised link to the User Edit page which, when clicked, takes the operator straight to the correct User Unlock page.
SQL MA Failed to retrieve the schema
This week I battled with an error from the OOB SQL MA for MIM 2016 (which I don’t think has changed at all from FIM 2010, and probably not earlier versions as well). The MA was working with a SQL database table on a server in another, non-trusting AD forest, and using Windows authentication. The…
Setting up SharePoint Foundation 2013 for MIM 2016 SP1
It occurred to me while fighting with this over the last couple of days that I have never installed the MIM Portal in anything other than a lab. FIM Portal yes, but then only on SharePoint 2010 (even after 2013 was available, because it was a heck of a lot easier). While I know MIM…