An Intro to Joins

Joining 101 A join is a connection between a metaverse object and a connector space object. Joined CS objects are called “Connectors”, Unjoined CS objects are called “Disconnectors”. Multiple relationships are permitted in one direction: A single metaverse object can be joined to multiple CS objects, However a single CS object cannot be joined to…

Run Profiles

Run profiles are one of the more straight-forward aspects of ILM configuration, however, like everything else, there are aspects that are not immediately obvious, and others which only become apparent through experience. MAs have no run profiles initially – you have to create them all. You can call them what you like, and they can…

Configuration of the SQL MA

And now for a closer look at the configuration of SQL MAs. The config details that are common to all MA types are covered in this post, so I won’t repeat them here. The SQL-specific options probably apply equally to the Oracle and DB2 MAs, but I’ve never used ’em myself. We’ll start on the…

Configuration of the Active Directory MA

I’ve already posted about the configuration options that are common to all MAs, so this post is about the options specific to the Active Directory MA, though much of it will also apply to the other LDAP-types – Sun and Netscape, Netware, ADAM, IBM Directory Server and openLDAP.

Creating a Management Agent

Continuing in my newbie series of posts, today I am going to step through the creation of a Management Agent. Configuration options differ depending on the type of MA, so in this post I will just look at the options that are common to all.

Learning ILM

ILM is tricky to learn whichever way you approach it. If you’re from a sys admin background, like me, then the dawning realisation that you have to code may come as rather a shock.

Back to first principals – What is ILM for?

I started this blog as a way to help other people like myself (ie system administrators) who were just starting out with ILM (then MIIS), and finding it heavy going. Even so I made assumptions about the level of reader knowledge, and now I plan to address that by starting from the very beginning with…

Should you ever run external processes from extension code?

I had an interesting chat with an ILM collegue the other day, and one of the topics that came up was whether you should ever, under any circumstances, call external processes from extension code. The prohibition on calling external processes from provisioning (MVExtension) code is clear and well accepted (see the Calling External Processes section…

Disappearance from the CS should not be a justification for object deletion!

I’ve found myself repeating this on MMSUG a couple of times recently, so a post is probably in order. Don’t go deleting everything just because a CS object disappears! There’s a dangerous little form in the Metaverse Design section of Identity Manager which allows you to set your Object Deletion Rule. By the simple expedient of…

csexport – How did I never find it before?

You can even learn about MIIS while on vacatio!. I was skimming through my MMSUG digest this morning when I read Joe Stepongzi’s answer to someone about finding transient objects in the connector space by using csexport. I jumped onto my virtual server to give csexport a go, and it looks like a mighty useful…