Adding a CheckBox to a FIM Custom Workflow UI

The only examples of custom workflows I’ve seen so far use text boxes for all data entry on the UI. Here’s how I went about adding a check box to my UI. Note: I have also posted a version of this to the Technet Wiki: How to Add a CheckBox to a FIM Custom Workflow…

Generate Unique Attribute Activity

When I first started out with MIIS I found the coding heavy going – but soon realised that the same few extension-writing methods are used for pretty much everything, and the fun bit was just how much I could achieve with them! Now on to FIM and I have struggled every bit as much with…

Powershell Activity

I have been working on a FIM 2010 workflow activity that will run powershell cmdlets and scripts, and I’m now ready to share the code with you lucky people. The activity should work with both local and remote powershell, bearing in mind the various limitiations that seem to occur when running remote powershell commands through…

How to use the FIM ReadResourceActivity, in VB.NET

Sometimes, while trying to figure out FIM 2010 custom workflows, it seems to me that everyone else finds this stuff bleedingly obvious – but then I remind myself that actually, I’m not a complete idiot, and if I’m finding it all a bit like wading through chest-high treacle, with submerged barbed wire for added interest, then other…

The FIM 2010 Custom Logging Activity in VB.NET

Here’s how I got the Custom Workflow Logging example working in VB.NET. Please consult this post together with the Microsoft document as I’m not going to reproduce the entire thing here. The usual warnings about me being no great developer also apply.

Things I’ve been learning about debugging custom workflows

I have finally jumped into the world of FIM 2010 custom workflow activites, since the release of a good walkthrough document. Of course I decided it would be much easier to convert it all to VB.NET … which then gave me ample opportunities for troubleshooting. Thanks to Anthony Ho and Paolo Tedesco for all the…