Some of my memorable moments from TEC this year…
Category: FIM 2010
Using Powershell to update an RCDC configuration
I was stuck in one of those loops where you’re trying to track down an error in a RCDC by commenting out sections of the configuration file, uploading, recycling app pool, refreshing your browser, testing, go back to the beginning… I thought “there’s got to be a better way!” – and, as is so often the…
A best practise for MPRs – separate Grants Permission from Workflow
In my current project I’ve created around 40 Workflows and over 80 MPRs – and this is just phase one! In an effort to keep things tidy I’ve been using naming conventions and a consistent design approach, and one thing I found myself doing was separating MPRs that grant permissions from MPRs that run Workflows.
In praise of String Resources
Anyone who’s spent any time configuring RCDCs knows it’s a time consuming and often frustrating process. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s sat there progressively uncommenting blocks of XML, trying to track down that one little error that’s screwed up the whole form. Certainly I don’t want my customer to have to go…
Introducing the FIM Team Mentor Program
Today I’m please to announce a new initiative by the FIM Team: the FIM Team Mentor Program. Learning FIM is hard, and working out how best to apply it to the requirements and constraints of your environment is even harder. But maybe you don’t want, or don’t have the budget, to get consultants to come in…
RCDC Variables, and using them to scope a ListView or IdentityPicker
I don’t know how many times I’ve used the RCDC documentation, but somehow never noticed the bit on Environment Variables. Today however I was looking for a way to restrict the scope of a UocListView or UocIdentityPicker based on properties of the user being edited – and it turns out that you can reference any…
Authorization after an Action
Something that has come up from time to time on the FIM forum is the need to trigger an AuthZ workflow based on some change made by an Action workflow (or by the Sync Service). This is not possible in the FIM Service today and I don’t see any evidence that it will be possible in the…
Installing Reporting for FIM R2 RC
I have just installed the reporting for FIM R2 RCÂ and generated my first reports. Though when I say “just” read that as “spent two days on it and reinstalled twice”. However it is now working (yay! Was it worth it? Not sure yet!) and here’s my write-up. You should also refer to the following documents…
Outbound Sync Rule Scope
Just getting started with FIM R2 RC here at the moment – and the first thing I’m excited about is outbound Sync Rule scopes!
Don’t use the FIM configuration migration scripts between versions
I’ve just been installing FIM R2 RC into my lab. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the portal to upgrade from R2 beta to R2 RC (and to be fair the doco doesn’t say you should be able to) so had the bright idea of using the migration scripts to do a config comparison between my beta…