Duplicate Object script

I’ve publish a new script that will duplicate any object in the FIM Portal, naming it “Copy of ” plus the Display Name of the copied object. I’ve tested it on MPRs, Workflow Definitions, Sets, Search Scopes, Navigation Bar Resources, AIC’s … You can get it here.

Using Export-FIMConfig to search with multiple filters

I was trying to update a script so it could resolve references to various resource types. I’d seen in the help that you can do this: Export-FIMConfig -customConfig (“/ConstosoCustomResource”, “/Group”) So in my script I spent ages trying to construct a string like “(“/ConstosoCustomResource”, “/Group”)” and then wondering why it wouldn’t work.

Improved export/import log archiving script and stylesheet

I have finally had a need to update my import/export log archiving system so it now uses powershell to convert the XML directly to HTML, without relying on IE to do the rendering, as I was before. The idea is a script you run immediately after every Import and Export run profile. It will take…

Search Scope not appearing

Just a quick one because I’ve gone and done this again. I created a new Search Scope, absolutely certain the usage keywords and permissions are all correct, and the thing just won’t appear, no errors, nuthin.

Migration Scripts and FIM Team Community Site

Following on from my recent post about Upgrading MIIS/ILM to FIM I’ve now posted the helper scripts mentioned in that post (and demo’d in my TEC session) on the brand new FIM Team Community site. We’ll be putting various goodies on this site that we want to make publicly available and the other thing you’ll find…

Upgrading MIIS/ILM to FIM

In this post I will offer general advice about migrating MIIS/ILM Sync to FIM Sync, supplementing the information in the Migration Guide on Technet. I’m looking at this purely as a Sync Service to Sync Service migration so there will be nothing about adding the FIM MA, replacing classic rules with declarative, or any of…