Using PowerShell to query Request objects

I’ve been finding it useful to query Request objects for various reasons, mostly to get pending or historical changes out of them. This post contains a few script snippets and examples. Note I have developed and used these on FIM 2010 R2 only.

Removing a reference value

I needed to delete all the Managers from people in the FIM Portal where a particular Manager was set. I had blithely assumed this would be easy with the FIM PowerShell plugin – sadly, not so.

FIM Best Practice: Use PowerShell

I’ve had this post sitting in draft for a long time and for some reason hadn’t posted it yet – but then today my colleague Matt sent me a link to the Scripting Guy’s PowerShell Holiday Gift Guide. Yes I do love my PowerShell (and I’m hoping that Santa will bring me a copy of…

FIM Best Practice: Create single function Workflows

As much as possible I like to keep my Workflows simple with a minimum number of steps. When updating attributes I prefer, wherever possible, to only update a single attribute per Workflow Definition. So for example I’ll have separate Workflows for “Set DisplayName” and “Set AccountName” rather than rolling the two together in a single…

FIM Best Practice: Sort out errors

Both in the Sync Service and the Portal there may be regular error messages that we just live with. We’ve figured out they’re “low priority” or perhaps they’re false alerts, where FIM thinks there’s an error but the end result is fine. However, as much as possible, we should aim for a system that runs…