Imports Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports OCG.Utility.Xml
Imports zbitz
Public Class MACallExport_PersonalWebsites
   Implements IMAExtensibleFileImport
   Implements IMAExtensibleCallExport
   Const DB_TABLE_NAME As String = “PersonalWebsites”
   Const DB_CONNECTION_STRING As String = “Database=MIISData;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=Yes;”
   Dim sqlExportConnection As New SqlConnection(DB_CONNECTION_STRING)
   Dim MAcol As New MAConfiguration(Utils.ExtensionsDirectory & “\MA_Params.xml”)
   Dim Params As MAParams = MAcol.Parameters(“PersonalWebsites-MA”)
   Dim MAName As String = Params(“ma-name”)
   Public Sub GenerateImportFile(ByVal filename As String, ByVal connectTo As String, ByVal user As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, ByVal fullImport As Boolean, ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection, ByRef customData As String) Implements IMAExtensibleFileImport.GenerateImportFile
       Dim WebRoot As String = Params(“personal-website-root”)
       Dim fw As StreamWriter
           ‘Open the output file specified in the run profile
           fw = New StreamWriter(filename, False)
       Catch ex As Exception
           Throw New UnauthorizedAccessException(“Unable to open file: ” & filename)
       End Try
       ListFolders(WebPath, fw)
   End Sub
   Private Sub ListFolders(ByVal path As String, ByRef fw As StreamWriter)
       Dim s() As String
       Dim folders As System.Collections.IEnumerator
       Dim sqlQueryConnection As New SqlConnection(DB_CONNECTION_STRING)
       s = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(path)
       folders = s.GetEnumerator
       While folders.MoveNext
           Dim sqlQueryCommand As New SqlCommand(“SELECT * FROM ” & DB_TABLE_NAME & ” where WebPath='” & folders.Current & “‘”, sqlQueryConnection)
           Dim cnReader As SqlDataReader = sqlQueryCommand.ExecuteReader
           Dim importLine As String
           If cnReader.Read Then
               ‘DB columns: WebPath, staffid, uid, Status
               importLine = cnReader.Item(1) & “,” & cnReader.Item(2) & “,” & cnReader.Item(3)
               importLine = “,,,”
           End If
           importLine = folders.Current & “,” & importLine
       End While
   End Sub
   Public Sub BeginExport(ByVal connectTo As String, ByVal user As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection) Implements IMAExtensibleCallExport.BeginExport
   End Sub
   Public Sub ExportEntry(ByVal modificationType As ModificationType, ByVal changedAttributes As String(), ByVal csentry As CSEntry) Implements IMAExtensibleCallExport.ExportEntry
       Dim WebPath As String = csentry(“WebPath”).Value
       If csentry(“Status”).IsPresent AndAlso csentry(“Status”).Value = “archive pending” Then
           If ArchiveWebFolder(WebPath, csentry(“uid”).Value) = 0 Then
               updateRow(WebPath, “archived”)
           End If
       ElseIf modificationType = modificationType.Delete AndAlso csentry(“Status”).Value = “archived” Then
           updateRow(WebPath, “deleted”)
       ElseIf modificationType = modificationType.Add Then
           If Not rowExists(WebPath) AndAlso csentry(“uid”).IsPresent Then
               If CreateWebFolder(csentry) = 0 Then
                   addRow(WebPath, csentry(“staffid”).Value, csentry(“uid”).Value, “adding”)
               End If
           ElseIf rowExists(WebPath) And csentry(“Status”).Value = “adding” Then
               If CreateWebFolder(csentry) = 0 Then
                   updateRow(WebPath, “active”)
               End If
           End If
           If Not rowExists(WebPath) Then
               addRow(WebPath, csentry(“LBSNo”).Value, csentry(“uid”).Value, “active”)
           End If
       End If
   End Sub
   Private Function CreateWebFolder(ByVal csentry As CSEntry) As Integer
       Dim script As String = Params(“script-createsite”)
       RunProcess(script, csentry(“uid”).Value)
   End Function
   Private Function DeleteWebFolder(ByVal csentry As CSEntry) As Integer
       Dim script As String = Params(“script-deletesite”)
       RunProcess(script, csentry(“WebPath”).Value.Split(“\”)(4))
   End Function
   Private Function ArchiveWebFolder(ByVal path As String, ByVal uid As String) As Int16
       Dim status As Int16
       Dim archive As New Czzip
       Dim archivePath As String = Params(“archive-path”) & uid & “.zip”
       If System.IO.File.Exists(archivePath) Then
           Throw New UnexpectedDataException(“Archive file ” & archivePath & ” already exists”)
       End If
       Dim logtxt = Date.Now & ” Zipping ” & path & “: “
       status = archive.ZipFile(path, archivePath)
       If status = 0 AndAlso Not System.IO.File.Exists(archivePath) Then
           status = -1
       End If
       Return status
   End Function
   Public Sub EndExport() Implements IMAExtensibleCallExport.EndExport
   End Sub
   Private Function RunProcess(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal params As String) As Integer
       Dim exitCode As Integer = -1
       Dim proc As New System.Diagnostics.Process
       Dim waitTime As Integer = 0
       Const WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS = 5
       Const ONE_SECOND = 1000
       Const SLEEP_TIME_IN_SECONDS = 1
       proc.StartInfo.FileName = cmd
       proc.StartInfo.Arguments = params
       proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
           If Not proc.HasExited Then
               While True
                   System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(SLEEP_TIME_IN_SECONDS * ONE_SECOND)
                   waitTime += SLEEP_TIME_IN_SECONDS
                   If proc.HasExited Or waitTime >= WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS Then
                       Exit While
                   End If
               End While
           End If
           If proc.HasExited Then
               exitCode = proc.ExitCode
               Throw New UnexpectedDataException(“Timeout running process ” & cmd & ” ” & params)
           End If
       Catch ex As Exception
           Throw New UnexpectedDataException(“Error: ” & ex.Message)
       End Try
       Return exitCode
   End Function
   Private Function deleteRows(ByVal WebPath As String) As Integer
       Dim delSQL As String = “DELETE FROM ” & DB_TABLE_NAME & ” WHERE WebPath = ‘” & WebPath & “‘”
       Dim sqlDelCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(delSQL, sqlExportConnection)
       Return sqlDelCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   End Function
   Private Function addRow(ByVal WebPath As String, ByVal LBSNo As String, ByVal uid As String, ByVal Type As String, ByVal Status As String) As Integer
       Dim addSQL As String = “INSERT INTO ” & DB_TABLE_NAME & ” (WebPath, staffid, uid, Status) VALUES” & “ (‘” & WebPath & “‘, ‘” & staffid & “‘, ‘” & uid & “‘, ‘” & Status & “‘)”
       Dim sqlAddCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(addSQL, sqlExportConnection)
       Return sqlAddCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   End Function
   Private Function updateRow(ByVal WebPath As String, ByVal Status As String) As Integer
       Dim modSQL As String
       Dim sqlModCommand As SqlCommand
       modSQL = “UPDATE ” & DB_TABLE_NAME & ” SET Status ='” & Status & “‘ where WebPath='” & WebPath & “‘”
       sqlModCommand = New SqlCommand(modSQL, sqlExportConnection)
       Return sqlModCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   End Function
   Private Function rowExists(ByVal WebPath As String) As Boolean
       ‘Returns TRUE if the row already exists in the table
       ‘Pass % for wildcard
       Dim mySelectQuery As String = “SELECT * FROM ” & DB_TABLE_NAME & ” where WebPath = ‘” & WebPath & “‘”
       Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(“Database=MIISSync;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=Yes;”)
       Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(mySelectQuery, myConnection)
       Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
       rowExists = myReader.HasRows()
   End Function
   Private Function escapedString(ByVal originalString As String, ByVal commandType As String) As String
       Select Case commandType
           Case “cmd”
               escapedString = originalString.Replace(“,”, “\,”)
               escapedString = escapedString.Replace(“+”, “\+”)
               escapedString = escapedString.Replace(“>”, “\>”)
               Return escapedString
           Case “sql”
               escapedString = originalString.Replace(“‘”, “””)
               Return escapedString
           Case Else
               Throw New ArgumentException(“Valid arguments: cmd, sql”)
       End Select
   End Function
End Class