' find_links_filelist.vbs ' Written by Carol Wapshere, 2008 ' Search a list of Excel documents for sourcelinks and hyperlinks. Const FILE_LIST = "C:\ExcelLinks\x-all.txt" Const RESULTS_SOURCELINKS = "C:\ExcelLink\x-all_sourcelinks.csv" Const RESULTS_HYPERLINKS = "C:\ExcelLinks\x-all_hyperlinks.csv"
Dim objList, objFS, objFolder, objFile
Dim arrExcel()
'Log links with the following strings. 'To log ALL links there are lines to comment out below. Dim arrBadLinks(1) arrBadLinks(0) = "OLD_SERVER" arrBadLinks(1) = "X:\"
count = -1
set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'-- Initialise results files Set objSourceLinks = objFS.OpenTextFile(RESULTS_SOURCELINKS,2,true) objSourceLinks.Writeline("Path;Target") Set objHyperLinks = objFS.OpenTextFile(RESULTS_HYPERLINKS,2,true) objHyperLinks.Writeline("Path;Worksheet;Link Text;Link Address")
'-- Open each Excel doc, looking for Source Links and Hyperlinks
set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible = false objExcel.DisplayAlerts = true
On Error Resume Next
set objList = objFS.OpenTextFile(FILE_LIST,1) strLine = objList.Readline
Do Until objList.AtEndOfStream
 strLine = objList.Readline  arrItems = Split(strLine,";")  path = arrItems(0)
 set objFile = objFS.GetFile(path)
   wscript.echo path    set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(path,0,true,,"password")
   '-- Find Source Links    colLinks = objWorkbook.LinkSources()    If Not IsEmpty(colLinks) Then      for i = Lbound(colLinks) to Ubound(colLinks) 'To find ALL links comment out next to lines and corresonding "Next" and "End If"        For j = Lbound(arrBadLinks) to Ubound(arrBadLinks)          If InStr(UCase(colLinks(i)), UCase(arrBadLinks(j))) Then            wscript.echo "Link: " & colLinks(i)            objSourceLinks.Writeline(path & ";" & colLinks(i) & ";" & fileDate)            Exit For          End If        Next      Next    End If
   '-- Check through each worksheet looking for Hyperlinks    For sheet = 1 to objWorkbook.Worksheets.Count      wscript.echo "Sheet: " & objWorkbook.Worksheets(sheet).Name      For Each link in objWorkbook.Worksheets(sheet).Hyperlinks 'To find ALL links comment out next to lines and corresonding "Next" and "End If"        For j = Lbound(arrBadLinks) to Ubound(arrBadLinks)          If InStr(link.Address, UCase(arrBadLinks(j))) Then           wscript.echo "HyperLink: " & link.Address            objHyperLinks.Writeline(path & ";" & _                       objWorkbook.Worksheets(sheet).Name & ";" & _                       link.TextToDisplay & ";" & _                       link.Address & ";" & _         fileDate)          End If        Next      Next    Next
   objExcel.DisplayAlerts = false    objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close(false)
objSourceLinks.Close objHyperLinks.Close